What Does Awaiting Documentation Mean On NSFAS

If your NSFAS application status displays “Awaiting Documentation,” it signifies that NSFAS is in the process of gathering data from your educational institution to create a bursary agreement for you. This step is often a point where students experience delays, as NSFAS must patiently wait for the required information from the institution before proceeding further.

It’s crucial to understand that NSFAS does not have a predetermined timeframe for when your application status will change or how long the processing will take. Regular monitoring of your application status on the myNSFAS portal is highly recommended to stay informed about any updates.

Submitting a Successful NSFAS Application

If you haven’t applied for NSFAS yet, it’s advisable to do so promptly. To ensure a smooth application process, make sure you have the following supporting documents ready:

  • A copy of your ID (a temporary ID issued by the Department of Home Affairs is accepted)
  • For non-SASSA applicants, ID copies of parent(s), legal guardian/guardian, or spouse
  • For smart ID cards, a copy with both sides of the card
  • Proof of income: applicant and/or parents/legal guardian/spouse (where applicable, non-SASSA) should provide the latest payslip (not older than 3 months), UIF letter, appointment letter, or retrenchment letter
  • Persons with disabilities must complete the Disability Annexure A form

People Also Ask

How long does it take for NSFAS to process my application?

Unfortunately, NSFAS does not have a set timeframe for processing applications. The duration can vary depending on various factors, such as the volume of applications received and the institution’s promptness in providing the necessary data. Regular monitoring of your application status on the myNSFAS portal is recommended.

What should I do if my NSFAS application is stuck on ‘Awaiting Documentation’?

If your application is stuck on this status for an extended period, you can reach out to NSFAS or your institution to inquire about the delay and provide any additional documentation they might require. Communication and patience are key during this process.

Can I appeal if my NSFAS application is rejected?

Yes, you have the right to appeal if your NSFAS application is rejected. Follow the official appeal process outlined by NSFAS and provide any additional supporting documents or information that may strengthen your case.

How can I check my NSFAS application status?

You can check your NSFAS application status by logging into the myNSFAS portal (https://mynsfas.nsfas.org.za/) with your username and password. The portal will display the current status of your application and any updates or actions required.

What documents do I need to apply for NSFAS?

The key documents required for a NSFAS application include a copy of your ID, proof of income (payslips, UIF letters, etc.), and any relevant documentation for special circumstances (e.g., Disability Annexure A form for persons with disabilities).

By following these guidelines and frequently checking your application status, you can stay informed and take necessary actions to ensure a smooth NSFAS application process. Remember, patience and diligence are key when navigating the NSFAS system.


Chinua Achebe, with a decade of expertise in SASSA and NSFAS, is your trusted guide in navigating these vital support programs. Count on his experience to help you access the assistance you need.

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