How to Register a Domestic Worker for UIF?

Registering your domestic worker for UIF is a simple process that ensures their protection and your compliance with South African labor laws. Follow these easy steps to complete the registration online.

Why Registering for UIF is Important

UIF registration is mandatory for any employee working more than 24 hours a month. This provides financial support during unemployment, maternity leave, or illness.

Steps to Register Your Domestic Worker

1. Register Yourself as an Employer

Begin by registering as an employer. You can do this through various methods including phone, email, or by visiting the Department of Labour’s website.

  • Telephone: Call 012 337 1680.
  • Email: Send your details to
  • Mail: Address your forms to The UIF, Pretoria, 0052.
  • In-Person: Visit your nearest Labour Centre.

Once you are registered as an employer, you can proceed to register your domestic worker.

2. Register Your Domestic Worker

After your registration, register your domestic worker using the same contact methods. Ensure all necessary forms are filled out correctly.

3. Start Contributing to UIF

Begin paying the monthly UIF contributions. This can be done through various payment methods as directed by the UIF office. This contribution is crucial for your domestic worker’s security.

Online Registration Process

To register online, visit the Department of Labour’s website. You can also email for assistance or forms. For a quicker process, you can register both yourself and your domestic worker simultaneously through the UIF Services portal.

Key Benefits of UIF Registration

Registering your domestic worker ensures they receive financial support during difficult times. It also protects you as an employer from potential legal issues.

People Also Ask

How to register domestic worker for UIF online?

Register online by visiting the Department of Labour’s website or email for the forms. Follow the steps provided to complete the registration.

Do I have to register my domestic worker for UIF?

Yes, any domestic worker employed for more than 24 hours a month must be registered for UIF to comply with South African labor laws.

How to register a domestic worker for UIF in South Africa?

Register by calling 012 337 1680, emailing, mailing forms to The UIF, Pretoria, or visiting your nearest Labour Centre.

What is UIF, and why is it important?

UIF stands for Unemployment Insurance Fund, providing financial aid to employees during unemployment, maternity leave, or illness.

What documents are required to register a domestic worker for UIF?

You will need your ID, the domestic worker’s ID, employment details, and completed UIF registration forms.

How often do I need to pay UIF contributions?

UIF contributions are paid monthly. It’s important to keep up with these payments to ensure continuous coverage for your domestic worker.

Where can I find more information about UIF?

For more details, visit the Department of Labour’s website or contact your nearest Labour Centre for assistance.


Chinua Achebe, with a decade of expertise in SASSA and NSFAS, is your trusted guide in navigating these vital support programs. Count on his experience to help you access the assistance you need.

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