How Long Does It Take for UIF to Pay Out After Signing?

After signing up for UIF benefits, you can expect to start receiving payments within eight weeks if all requirements are met. Your journey begins with registering at the Labour Centre, where you’ll receive a white card, essential for tracking your progress. If there’s a delay in payment, contact the Labour Centre with your ID number handy.

Upon successful registration, payments commence every four weeks until your entitlement is exhausted. If eight weeks pass without payment, reach out to the Labour Centre for clarification. Each payment is documented, allowing you to monitor your benefits.

Requirements for Claiming Unemployment Benefits

To claim unemployment benefits, ensure you have:

  • a 13-digit bar-coded ID
  • your last six payslips
  • UI19 form from your employer
  • service certificate
  • proof of work seeker registration
  • completed registration form.

Prepare to engage in training if requested and remain available for job opportunities. Keep track of your job search activities, as documentation may be required.

Collecting Unemployment Benefits

Beneficiaries must collect payments from the Labour Centre on designated dates, bringing along their white card and ID book.

Claiming Illness Benefits

For illness benefits, follow these steps:

  • Register at the nearest Labour Centre.
  • Submit required documents including a medical certificate (Form UF86).
  • Complete and submit Form UF87 provided by the Department of Labour.
  • Expect payments for the duration certified by your doctor, excluding the first two weeks.
  • Ensure your illness was not due to misconduct and comply with medical instructions.

If job loss coincides with illness, inform the claims officer for possible additional benefits.

People Also Ask

How long does it take for UIF to pay out after signing?

Payments typically start within eight weeks of registration, provided all requirements are met.

What documents are needed to claim unemployment benefits?

Required documents include a bar-coded ID, last six payslips, UI19 form, service certificate, proof of work seeker registration, and a completed registration form.

How can I claim illness benefits?

To claim illness benefits, register at the Labour Centre, submit necessary documents including a medical certificate, and comply with departmental procedures.

What happens if my illness is due to misconduct?

If your illness stems from misconduct, you may not be eligible for illness benefits.


Chinua Achebe, with a decade of expertise in SASSA and NSFAS, is your trusted guide in navigating these vital support programs. Count on his experience to help you access the assistance you need.

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