Can I Apply for NSFAS Twice?

Yes, you can apply for NSFAS twice if your first application was rejected, provided you meet all the eligibility criteria. Here’s a complete guide to reapplying for NSFAS, including eligibility requirements and the application process.

Understanding NSFAS Reapplication

Many students wonder if they can reapply for NSFAS if their initial application is rejected. The answer is straightforward: you can reapply if you fulfill the necessary criteria. There is no rule that restricts applicants from applying more than once.

Importance of NSFAS

NSFAS, managed by TESFA, helps South African students by covering their tuition fees, accommodation, food, and travel allowances. In 2020, the budget for this scheme increased to R46 billion due to the growing number of applicants.

Eligibility/Requirements for Applying Again

Before reapplying for NSFAS, ensure you meet these eligibility requirements:

  • South African Citizenship: Only South African citizens or permanent residents can apply.
  • Income Criteria: Applicants should have a combined household income of less than R350,000 per year.
  • Disability Income Criteria: If you are disabled, your family income should be less than R600,000 annually.
  • University Enrolment: Students enrolled in university in 2018 with a combined income of R120,000 or less can apply.
  • Other Beneficiaries: You can apply even if you receive other benefits like SASSA.

How to Apply for NSFAS

If you meet the eligibility criteria, follow these steps to reapply for NSFAS:

  1. Visit the official NSFAS website. Ensure you are on the correct site to avoid fraudulent links.
  2. Click on the “Apply” tab visible on the homepage.
  3. Fill in the required sections with your academic records, income details, and other necessary information.
  4. Scan and upload important documents. Missing documents can lead to rejection.
  5. Complete the process by clicking the “Submit” button.

Following these steps carefully can increase your chances of successfully obtaining financial assistance from NSFAS.

Additional Information

NSFAS’s team, comprising 399 employees, meticulously reviews each application. They manage the entire process, from application receipt to final selection, ensuring that only deserving candidates receive the scholarship.

It’s crucial to reapply if your initial application is rejected. Many students successfully secure funding on their second attempt by ensuring they meet all the requirements and provide complete, accurate information.

People Also Ask

What is the maximum household income to qualify for NSFAS?

To qualify for NSFAS, the combined household income should be less than R350,000 per year. For students with disabilities, the income threshold is R600,000 annually.

Can I apply for NSFAS if I receive SASSA benefits?

Yes, you can apply for NSFAS even if you are a SASSA beneficiary. Receiving other benefits does not disqualify you from applying.

Is there a deadline for reapplying for NSFAS?

Yes, NSFAS has specific application windows each year. Ensure you check their official website for the current deadlines to submit your application on time.

What documents are required for the NSFAS application?

Required documents include your ID, proof of household income, academic records, and, if applicable, proof of disability. Ensure all documents are correctly scanned and uploaded.

How many times can I apply for NSFAS?

There is no limit on the number of times you can apply for NSFAS. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, you can reapply each year if your application is rejected.

What happens if my NSFAS application is rejected?

If your NSFAS application is rejected, review the reasons for rejection, ensure you meet all the criteria, gather the required documents, and reapply in the next application cycle.

Who manages the NSFAS applications?

TESFA, a non-profit company, manages NSFAS applications. Their team of 399 employees processes and reviews applications to select eligible candidates.

What does NSFAS cover?

NSFAS covers tuition fees, accommodation, food, and travel allowances for eligible students, helping reduce the financial burden of higher education.

Can international students apply for NSFAS?

No, only South African citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply for NSFAS. International students do not qualify for this financial aid scheme.

For more information, visit the official NSFAS website and ensure you meet all the eligibility criteria before reapplying.


Chinua Achebe, with a decade of expertise in SASSA and NSFAS, is your trusted guide in navigating these vital support programs. Count on his experience to help you access the assistance you need.

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